What is TrashBlitz?


TrashBlitz is a community science program developed by 5 Gyres that empowers local communities to contribute plastic pollution data in their cities. Through strict research protocols and the TrashBlitz research platform, community organizations and individuals collect and help identify what kinds of trash items, materials, and brands are littering their streets, parks, waterways, and coasts. The data collected through TrashBlitz is a key component in helping stakeholders identify top polluting brands, finding solutions to our waste crisis, and pushing for new and relevant legislation. All data collected through TrashBliz is also included in Break Free From Plastic’s Global Brand Audits.

Why TrashBlitz?


Plastic pollution has become an issue that affects all people and environments, from our cities to our parks, our lakes and rivers, and our coasts and ocean. TrashBlitz gives communities the opportunity to be involved in finding solutions. Each city has its own unique plastic trash footprint, and TrashBlitz gives people and organizations a platform to support litter removal, data collection, and local solutions.  

Get Involved with TrashBlitz


1) Collect data anytime you pick up trash!

You don’t have to wait for an official TrashBlitz event to collect trash data in your community! Anytime you pick up trash, whether alone or with friends and family, use the TrashBlitz research platform to log your data and contribute to Break Free From Plastic’s Global Brand Audit! 


2) TrashBlitz your own trash with a home audit!

Collect the inorganic waste you would normally throw away at home for five days and then log your data in the TrashBlitz research platform! A report on your home audit will be sent to you afterwards to help you reduce your plastic waste at home.

Learn how to do a home audit here!


TrashBlitz Stats

Pieces of trash picked up: 10,689

Most picked up items: cigarette butts, food wrappers, fragments, bottles, bottle caps

Most picked up brands: McDonalds, Marlboro, Camel, Coca Cola, Corona


TrashBlitz Reports


Hosted and developed in collaboration with 5 Gyres, Inland Ocean Coalition, and Into the Sea


TrashBlitz Austin - 2021

168 Austinites gathered for 3 weeks over the summer of 2021 to TrashBlitz their city. They collected 6,656 pieces of trash, 70% of which was plastic. 

Read the short report here

Read the comprehensive report here. 

Read the press release here


TrashBlitz Denver - 2020

During unprecedented times in the world, 100 volunteers from Denver collected trash throughout the city to help identify the primary contributing items. Fragments, food wrappers, and cigarette butts made up over 50% of all items found. 

Read the report here.