Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Report: Release is Today!
By Sophia Zengierski
Back in January, the House of Representatives put together the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. Since then, its members have been working with leaders on climate to determine recommendations on policies and strategies to ensure a better future for generations to come. After these months of investigations and hearings, the Committee released a report of findings today, June 30th.
Made up of members from both side of the aisle and across of myriad of states, what the Committee puts forward will affect us all. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that our fate and the planet’s are one. As such we need to focus on protecting our environment, including our ocean, which contributes greatly to the planet’s overall wellbeing through regulating weather and temperature.
At the Inland Ocean Coalition, we are excited to see the report from the Select Committee, especially the recommendations they put forward for communities. To help the report’s reach, share it with your friends and family and write to your legislators to let them know that you believe these recommendations should be taken seriously and that we need action on climate change to safeguard our future.
For more information, you can check out the Committee’s website: Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. You can also follow the Committee on social media @climatecrisis.